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YSU Rector sets the Online Lecture System
Based on the Chancellor's Instruction Letter No. 1 year 2020, finally Sutrisna Wibawa as the Chancellor of YSU gave direct instructions to Academic Staff and Students, especially in the implementation of online lectures. This instruction was announced Friday evening via social media and then formalized through an official letter signed and circulated on Saturday, March 14, 2020.
The existence of this instruction is based on the Circular of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia Number HK.02.01 / MENKES / 199/2020, Circular, Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia Number 3 of 2020 dated March 9 2020, and Official Circular of the Secretary General of the Ministry of Education and Culture Number 35492 / A .A5 / HK / 2020, concerning the Prevention of Coronavirus Diseases-19, in order to respond to and pay attention to the situation and conditions that developed in the community due to the pandemic.
The important points conveyed by Sutrisna Wibawa through this Instruction include:
- Theoretical lectures for DIPLOMA, S1, S2, and S3 levels, starting from March 16, 2020 to April 30, 2020 are conducted online / online via BeSmart and / or various platforms and social media, for example google classroom and email.
- Practical lectures in laboratories, workshops, or the like are suspended, replaced by assignments, or held in June and July 2020. The implementation arrangements are left to the respective study programs provided that they always implement vigilance and prevention of the spread of COVID-19.
- Field lectures are suspended or rescheduled until further notice. If under certain conditions it must be implemented, it must be accompanied by precautionary measures and prevention of the spread of COVID-19
- The implementation of the final assignment guidance is carried out online by using the system: guidance@uny.ac.id, or with other platforms.
- Final Project Exams (final project, thesis, thesis, and dissertation) can be carried out as usual through various other platforms, the implementation of which is regulated by the faculty and / or postgraduate.
- The mobility of lecturers, students and education personnel at the national and international levels was suspended until further notification.
- Academic service activities and public services to the public continue as usual, by limiting the crowd and paying attention to the spread of COVID-19.
Responding to this, considering the instruction was binding, Apri Nuryanto, as the Head of the Mechanical Engineering Education Department received the instruction. Apri explained that lectures for JPTM students can be done online starting Monday, March 16, 2020 from face-to-face learning can be carried out online. As for practical lectures in laboratories and workshops, the schedule will be reset next month after lectures can return to normal. "The practical lecture for JPTM will be arranged next month after entering college again," he said via WhatsApp chat to the editorial team.
Download the Official Announcement: Chancellor's Instruction Letter Number 1 of 2020 concerning Coronavirus Prevention
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