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Prof. Dr. Sugiyono, M.Pd., Professor of Faculty of Engineering, Yogyakarta State University, for the second time listed his name in the Indonesian World Record Museum (MURI). This time Prof. Sugiyono was named the "Most Best Seller Author in the Field of Research Methods Predicate". The submission of MURI Records was carried out simultaneously with book review and general lecture on Research Methods in the Postgraduate Program Building of PGRI University Semarang, Monday (1/13/2020). Previously, Prof. Sugiyono also won the MURI record as the "Most Author of Book Research Methods".
Submission of the Award Charter No.941 / R.MURI / I / 2020 was given by Sri Widawati from MURI. She mentioned that there were around 4 million copies sold so she expected Prof. Dr Sugiyono can inspire and motivate many audience to write diligently.
Until now, Prof. Sugiyono has written 22 books, 16 of which are books on research methods and statistics. While the books that got the title of best seller are: Qualitative Research Methods, Combined Research Methods, Administrative Research Methods, Business Research Methods, Management Research Methods, Educational Research Methods, Qualitative Research Methods, Quantitative and R&D and Statistics for Research. From 16 books in the field of research methods that received the title of best seller, there are 8 or 50% of the books in the field of research methods and statistics.
Prof. Sugiyono is concerned with producing various books on research methods because according to him a method plays a key role in ensuring a research can produce accurate information. According to him, good researchers must master the fields studied, understand research methods and can be published in national and international journals. "While good research is, new and original research which useful for the wider community and has economic value or can be sold".
"In general, the research function is need to know, that is research for the development of knowledge, and" need to do" the results can be used to help work, so that work can be done easily, effectively and efficiently", he said further.
"And also 'need to choose' is research to choose or make policies using evaluation research methods, both formative and summative evaluation," he said
“Penelitian yang bersifat untuk mengembangkan ilmu “need to know” dapat menggunakan metode kuantitatif, kualitatif dan kombinasi. Sedangkan penelitian yang bersifat “need to do” dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode penelitian dan pengembangan (Research & Develoment) dan metode penelitian tindakan atau action research dan metode penelitian evaluasi digunakan untuk mengetahui seberapa jauh rencana dapat dilaksanakan dan tujuan tercapai “need to choose”, tandas Prof. Sugiyono.
" A need to know research that is to develop the science can use quantitative, qualitative and combination methods. While a need to do research is done by using research and development methods (Research & Development) and action research methods or action research and evaluation research methods are used to find out how far plans can be carried out and objectives achieved "need to choose", said Prof. Sugiyono
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