Head of Study Program

Head of Mechanical Engineering Education Study Program

Dr. Apri Nuryanto, S.Pd., S.T., M.T.
ID. 197404212001121001

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh


Praise the presence of Allah SWT, the Almighty God for all His graces, gifts and guidance to all of us. The rapid development of science and technology has the consequence of the increasing demands of the world of work for qualifications and competence of human resources. The current era offers many opportunities and challenges. Only reliable and quality human resources will be able to survive and succeed in the future era, those who are capable of integrating hard skills and soft skills as a whole and having the adaptability skills according to changes and developments in the world of work.

Efforts to prepare quality human resources cannot be separated from the preparation of qualified teaching and educational staff. Without the presence of reliable educators and educational personnel, it is impossible to produce superior human resources. Therefore, the preparation of teaching and education personnel has a central role in determining the quality of future human resources.

The Bachelor Education Study Program of Mechanical Engineering Education UNY is committed to producing qualified human resources in the field of mechanical engineering based on the demands of the world of work, as well as preparing qualified educators and education personnel. Through various innovations and hard work, it is hoped that a piety, independent, and intellectual generation will be born who will help determine the progress of the nation in the future era. Aamiin.

Wassalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.